
By goa

booze cruise!

We've been on a booze cruise! We knew it would be good when the acoustic guitarist struck up with Cliff's 'We're All Going on a Summer Holiday quickly followed by 'When the Saints Go Marching In' all unplugged and perfect. John and Liz of the English that know each other on the beach had asked us to join their river cruise, so we did and it was fab. It made a great change from the seaside.

Our taxi driver Christopher, suitably attired in a Rule Britannia tee shirt, took us to Chris's boats on the River Sal at Cavelossim where we embarked on a double decker converted fishing boat with wide wooden varnished decking and all sides open to the cooling river and sea breezes.

We headed off downriver and out to sea past the headland that we can see from Varca on a clear day to spot dolphins, which we did. There were many sightings of them arching out of the water so gracefully and cavorting around between the boats but I wasn't quick enough to catch them with my camera - oh for the sports mode on the dslr! So I have a lot of shots of blue seas. However for this blip I have chosen the ship's chef preparing our king fish steaks for our very delicious lunch that took place later on our return to the river. He cooked for 40+ in his tiny galley, we had huge sweet garlic prawns to start with followed by kingfish steaks, rice and lightly curried veg topped off by a fruit salad for pudding. Fab.

After our fantastic lunch way up river in what has to be one of the most scenic restaurants in the world the entertainments got hot, there were speeches, the old chap got up and did a newbie vote of thanks for the organisers, then we got down to pole dancing and singing. Lusty communal singing that could be heard all the way down the river. Tina Turner made an appearance when Big John donned his wig and sequinned dress, Bob Marley and his Wailers got down and dirty and I'm sure I saw Rod Stewart briefly - a good time was had by all.

We cooled off in the pool along with members of the wedding party from the Punjab. Its a huge two day affair, apparently Goa is a very popular wedding venue because it has enormous open air venues which have loud music! By huge I mean places that can seat 1000 plus. Luckily they weren't all in the pool with us! We also met the owner of our bungalow, Anil, by the pool and had a nice long chat.

Lovely day.

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