
By BoydMcAdam

Eventful Day

I think I am into back blip territory today as the witching hour has just chimed.

This shot is of one of the walls of the Scottish Parliament into which are embedded various excerpts of prose, poetry or comment which convey Scotland in her various guises. Panels have featured in other Edinburgh based blips recently and there is a sensible number of gaps to fill in the years ahead.

I chose this view from earlier this evening to mark a milestone in policy development in which I have been involved for nearly a decade under various Governments.

Throughout there has been a commitment to work to improve the lot of children and young people in Scotland and my task has been and continues to be to serve the Government of the day.

This evening after a lengthy debate legislation was passed to create law with the aim of supporting people to make a positive difference for children and young people. Some support the approach. Others have principled or practical issues which lead to their opposition. And all these matters will continue to be addressed in the weeks and months ahead.

For the moment I pause to reflect on the milestone that is the soon-to-be an Act. The words may be in legalese and complex. They may not be suited for one of the panels on the Parliament's wall. But the hope is that they will resonate and have a positive impact.

Now, my pause for reflection is over. I need to get to Kilmarnock for 8.45 tomorrow!

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