Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

My Desk Job

This is my desk at my other job. This is where I stare at the computer for about eight hours a day. There are pros and cons to this job and I like to think of the good things. Like, how the income is better and that I don't have to be cleaning up after anybody. However, it's not the most fun job. I find my other job at Kohl's to be way more challenging. At least at my retail job, everyday is a different day.

There's a possibility that I can get this job, if the lady I'm covering for goes into disability. But I'm hoping she gets better because I find no challenge in this job. On days that I'm not well slept, I fall asleep doing my job because the work puts my brain to sleep. Well, that's enough of my ranting. I need to count my blessings.

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