Treasure Everywhere

By RobT

Sunset Projection

Sometimes the photo you choose for the day is the one you least expect. Twice today I went out for a walk with the dog and my 'proper' camera, and my best prime lens. I walked up to Pickering Castle, and the light was good, the sky was blue. I took lots of pictures of the flora and fauna up by the castle walls. Very shallow DoF, macro shots of snails nestled in gaps in dry stone walls, that kind of thing. Very "photographic" photos. I was sure that one of those would be the best pic of the day.

Then at teatime I was walking down the landing and the setting sun was at exactly the right angle to cast a beautiful golden glow through the sash window and onto the wall, just spilling over onto the doorway. I didn't know how long this would last and my little compact camera was closest to hand. Looking back at the day's shot's tonight, this stood out a mile.

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