Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

St Leonard's Church, Wortley

I have passed this church many times, usually on the way to and from work, and always thought how picturesque it looked. Today we passed on the way to Sheffield and I had time for taking photos - it looked particularly good almost silhouetted against a threatening sky.

I had to look up some info:
Historically there is evidence that there has been a church in Wortley, dedicated to St. Leonard, since at least 1268 and probably even earlier though little if anything exists of that building and many records have been lost. However, an examination of the church as it is today indicates that much of the building dates from the 18th century. The Tower contains a peal of eight bells and a clock both dating from 1893 as does the pulpit. The church houses many important artefacts and memorials, mainly relating to its long connection with the Wharncliffe Estate.

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