The Unholy Trinity
"What are you doing in town today?", asked the PCSO. "It's a mad house!" Rebecca replied that it was in some part her fault, as it was Half Term.
That being said, if it hadn't been a school holiday, we wouldn't have been able to spend some time together, mooching round the shops. I'd particularly like to pay tribute to the Genius in the Apple store, who fixed Rebecca's problem with iMessages and e-mail alerts on her phone. Huge store, loads of staff, incredibly friendly service and best of all, phone fixed for free!
I am being a tad unfair on the Trinity Centre, by labelling it "unholy". It was busy, but the geometric designs and light more than made up for it.
Oh, and the Lego store had a build your own person stall. All sorts of hats, hair, heads, bodies and legs to combine into an inch high alter-ego. Strange how the Dads seemed more interested in this frankensteinian diversion than the kids...
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