Happy Snapper

The Boss had a bad technology day. This is a bit like a bad hair day except the tech often has an ‘Undo’ button but hair is there and gone and like NZ cheese good things take time.

His problem was about hot spots. I kno about these. I have one upstairs in the bedroom and others located strategically around the house and they work with cold spots when you get a bit hot from the former. This is a technology that dogs understand but The Boss’s woes were in a relationship between his phone and iPad where he was really too smart for his own good and turned off the cellular data on the pad after upping the data on his phone thinking he could hot spot and save enough money over a 100 year period to have a night out at the movies.
Well the sun went out and the hot spot went all cold and when he consulted Mrs Google (just gotta be a lady he says with all that multi- tasking) it seems that loooots of folk have the same problem. It is always very cheering to find 27,342,941 folk with the same problem as you. Very good for your ego he said.
Anyway the undo button will be pushed tomoro once the button pushing folk are bark on the phones. (not fruit) and we will await “the word” in the fullness of time.

The lakefront in the evening can be grrreat for Blipping Eh!

Oh and thank you soooo much for your enthusiasm over my Willie. I never realised that you could have soo much fun with one of these.

Zoom in?

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