Big Hill

By bighill

Up on the roof.....

Here is the beautiful, stunning - incredible....chimney that terry installed a couple of days ago!!!! It is now hooked up to a lovely wee woodstove in the studio!!! Another huge step towards the completition of the workshop.

It was very anxiety provoking to watch terry, up on the roof, which is metal and quite - no, very steep! There was much debating going on as to how the top 3 segments of the interior chimney would be fitted!!! Finally, Vivien, Vincient and i fed the 3 large heavy pieces, that were fitted together....up thro the vent on the roof, to terry as he positioned himself, on the ladder, ready to receive this load!!! it was a bit tense, but between the 4 of us, it was put in place! Pretty amazing to watch.
So the next day, the rest of the stove was hooked up and we had heat!!!

Almost finished the walls now, then comes the trim and hopefully next week we can begin painting!

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