La vida de Annie

By Annie

Walk please?

So much for seizing life by the throat; today I seem to have been struck down with Anneflu, which is a much more serious affair than the (totally imaginary) manflu variant. I blame it on having to strip off during the day in an unhealthy environment. Despite coughing for Britain and suffering the headache from Hell, I was still called upon (i.e. dragged out of bed) to deliver #1 daughter to work as she'd missed her train. Even worse, haven't been able to look at Blip today as we were being switched over from one broadband provider to another, and there was a gap in service, as well as me trying to set up a new router while in possession of only half my faculties.

The highlight of the day was walking past the kitchen radio which is always tuned to Radio 4, in time to catch the phrase: "Phrenology - the one where you tell a bloke's future by the bumps on his trousers". There's a lot of truth in that.

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