
By scribbler


My favorite corner of the Pearl Bakery, ready for Quotidian labors on my novel in progress.

Q is for ... is today's DDW challenge.

To write or not to write, that is the Question.
First, must Quickly enter pencil edits and bring files up to date. It's not the Quality of the work that's daunting, but the long Queue of technical challenges. Why, when I brought a large file up to Microsoft's latest version, did it lose a large Quantity of megabytes? Can Microsoft's code have gotten more efficient? Silly Query! So here I am, refusing to Quit despite the daunting Quota of work to be accomplished. With a Quiet space and iced tea to Quench my thirst, I hope to conquer the Quirky Quibbles of my computer and reign as Queen over the Quagmire.


Hugs and kisses to those whom I appear to have abandoned. I miss you—without Qualification—and am grateful for your visits despite my apparent Quiescence. I would write you a haiku or a Quatrain, but until my book is done I can barely Quack. Fond greetings to you and your Quadrupeds!

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