Lies - all lies

Sometimes Ann lies to me. She thinks that because I’m a dog she can just say any old thing to me and I won’t understand. But I do. I understand loads.

Yesterday she took her car to the garage because it was having a MOT & service today. She took me with her and we walked the 6 miles home. She said, ‘Molly, you can have another 6 mile walk tomorrow when we go to pick it up.’

I was sooo, sooo, excited at the thought of having another 6 mile walk. This morning I lay sensibly in my bed, conserving my energy, for my long afternoon walk. But do you know what happened? ................................The garage phoned to say the car was ready and the next thing I know; Ann’s on the phone to a friend asking for a lift?!!!

I sat right in front of her and gave her my ‘appealing look’ but she just said, ‘Molly, I can’t be bothered to walk that far. I’ll take you to the beach when I come back’.

I have to say, it was very nice down at the beach. I found loads of stinky things to roll on top of today.

.......................But that’s not the point. Ann shouldn’t lie to me should she Blippers??!!

Also, I would just like to say ‘thank you’ to all you lovely Blippers who have enquired after my poorly ear. Unfortunately my ear is not getting any better. Ann is more worried about it than I am. However, Padstowbabe,, who is a vet, phoned her and reassured her that it’s nothing to worry about and I will be OK. Aren’t Blippers such lovely caring people? Anyway, I’ve got to take my antibiotics for another two days but Ann says if there’s no change in me by Friday morning I’ll be going to see the vet again.

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