
By SLPlearning

Misty Morning

It's going to be a busy day at the parliament today so I thought we'd get to work early and get on with the things we need to complete before going. The best laid plans. What struck me when I used this phrase was that even the very words we use to describe our world are rooted in our culture and history, many can be traced back to Roman and Greek times.

Not this one, the best laid schemes, is taken from a Robert Burns poem To a Mouse, so I thought maybe I should look to Burns to set the scene for today.

Up in the Morning Early

Cauld blaws the wind frae east to west,
The drift is driving sairly;
Sae loud shrill`s I hear the blast,
I`m sure it`s winters fairly.

CHORUS:Up in the morning`s no for me,
Up in the mornings early;
When a` the hills are cover`d wi` snaw,
I`m sure it`s winter fairly.

The birds sit chittering on the the thorn,
A` day they fare but sparely;
And lang`s the night frae e`en to morn,
I`m sure it`s winter fairly.

CHORUS: Up in the morning`s no for me,
Up in the mornings early;
When a` the hills are cover`d wi` snaw,
I`m sure it`s winter fairly.

Robert Burns

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