
By Chook

All better...

Mini cool change last night meant sleep came easier. Slept a little late this morning - the tired fog in my head has disappeared. Today very pleasant so far, expected to only get to 31. Hottest start to November since 1902 apparently. Looks like we'll have a portable air conditioner from this afternoon, which will be a welcome relief for the rest of summer (especially when sleeping in the heat of the day while on night shift!).

Started new rotation yesterday afternoon. Interesting mix of neonates (attending high risk deliveries and looking after babies on the post-natal wards and in special care) and older kids. Been a little while since I've looked after the tiny ones (<1500g), so somewhat relieved that I'm still able to put a drip into a person that little! Really enjoy looking after the littlies, and I'm sure all this new life is going to give me ample material for my list of crazy names. The job is billed as a pretty unsupported one though, so here's hoping there are no major disasters...

Working this afternoon and evening. Morning taken up by washing of clothes and dishes, so an image of domesticity is what you get. No one uses the clothes line out the back, as you can see from the cobwebs on the pegs...

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