With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Light at the end of the tunnel

Waiting for Little Old Mrs Pepperpot in Palma airport, though at the wrong end it turns out. We lost all the time the plane had made up on the way with a tail wind. Never mind, we had a shopping spree in the Chinese supermarket and then a great lunch in the sunshine overlooking the bay. We took our time, knowing full well what lay ahead...Boys excited, football of course, homework (unending) and putting the covers back on the sofa (By far the hardest thing!)

Just got everything sorted, Here's a link to yesterday's blog. I went on an adventure with the boys to chase a storm coming in over the sea. We went up to the lighthouse and Agu raced round the car park trying to catch the light beams while I tried to catch the flashes and Ben tried to remember where he'd left his school bag. Whoops :)

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