
I have a few of these ready to go on the inside of my camera bag.A little job for Helen.The one on the top left is Switzerland which is not much of a country to visit but I bought it to remind me of our escape from Italy.Spent a week in Italy doing the sights and I was so glad to leave.Not the worst place I have ever been that honour goes to Madeira the only place I asked to be flown home from a week early.Luckily the hotel was very good but a dreadful little island.

No work done today.A meeting with a solicitor who was not old enough to cross the road on his own.I think I made him nervous,his hands shook all the way through the meeting.Lots of other meetings and phone call after phone call made for a very long day.

Becky presented a paper at an international conference today and she said it went very well.Listening to Em on the radio this evening and she is playing some excellent music.

Started filling up the top glass today with 1.5L Geraniums and Ivy Geraniums.Problem with one of the heaters not firing and I have some repairs to the irrigation system to get sorted out.
Orders have been slow the last couple of weeks and we have plenty of Primroses in flower,but a couple of orders in today.

Mild,cloudy and some showers.

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