Half Marathon Done & Dusted!

Day 47 of 365. Today was the day of the half marathon and, by some miracle, for the third year running it was a stunningly beautiful day. Clear blue sky, hardly any wind and strong sunshine, if a bit on the cold side at the start. It was a forty minute walk from the hotel to the start so we decided to go along the seafront to take in the views of the sea and the piers.
I didn't find the race too hard to begin with but then started to struggle a bit after six miles or so, luckily I somehow missed a few of the mile markers and before I knew it, and much to my relief, I'd reached the nine mile mark. It was the turn back to the finish at the ten mile mark that I started to suffer quite badly - somehow, though, I kept going and finished in 1.53.39. Overall, considering the lack of training and how tired I was from work I was quite chuffed with my time.
After the finish I met up with my brother and we retired to the pub for a well earned drink. Luckily, I'd extended the check out at the hotel so managed to go back and have a lovely hot bath - total bliss!

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