Family meal deal
K, PG, R, D
I, S, H, LK
We said at Christmas that rather than splashing out on a stack of gifts we would get together for a meal in the miserable January/February drag. And as it turned out, it was absolutely lovely. It was great to have everyone in one place, with our three bf's/gf's/fiancées!
I haven't really got the hang of the Mac or Photoshop Elements on it yet (I'm afraid my day-to-day Windows Photoshop CS2 brain can't let go and my left hand darts about looking for shortcuts that aren't there) and I have been working on a montage of New Year's Eve since, well, New Year's Eve. So in a fit of laziness I used an app called Diptic on the iPhone to quickly pull this together. It wasn't really going to benefit from the PS treatment - low light and squiffy photographers etc. The rub is that I had brought the camera and left it in the car.
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