
By WeeDragon_J

Pennies and Pound

Sick of TV, Radio and Newspaper crap about the Pound Sterling so here's one I found kicking about doing nothing. It says on the search engine that the pound note was discontinued in 1984, but as far as I can see it is still legal currency but not legal tender in Scotland in the Royal Bank of Scotland 'colours'. Although I've not seen one in my change for years.

Pennies, of which, one shiny 2013, one not so shiny new 2001 and pound note 2000.

Bin turned upside-down, old jotter on top, brown envelope as background, 2 pennies, a pound note which wouldn't sit flat, so I curled it more and tried many takes. Oh forgot to mention the tripod, big camera and a bike red light tried as flash or as solid, to try and give a different colouring. Prefer the blue light from 'I is for Indicator', the camera just didn't like the red at all.

Set to Aperture Priority and let the camera do the rest! Again and again ;-)

Bring lights and midtones into the minuses and contrast a little, finally crop and turn 180.

Just read I've supposed to write specimen if photographing a note, so done ;-D but I've changed the colour with the red light so that should be okay.

Two hours later, I think it's time to make dinner!

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