
Carole and I have devised a list of places we have always planned to visit but haven't actually got round to seeing. They are mostly fairly local and hopefully mostly free. Today we went to the Lowry to look at the L S Lowry display and the latest exhibition by Alison Goldfrapp...Performer As Curator. It is a collection of pieces inspired by the magic and fantasy of fairy tales.

Now big art aficionados will say, "oh you just don't understand," ...and yes, Im saying that in their sickly smug way...but I have to say the exhibition was pathetic. Tiny little pictures in great big frames don't have a wow factor. Little pottery dogs from her personal collections aren't exactly fairy tale material either. As you can probably tell we were not impressed. Fantasy and magic in fairy tales should be explosive...oh well, our next venture will hopefully be more exciting.

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