Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

A very productive day

How is it that when I'm at home with the two children on my own I get 200% more done than I do at the weekends, when just getting a shower is hard work?!

I've had a very productive day today. Bed clothes changed, hoovering done, 2 1/2 loads of washing washed and dried, tea prepped and we've been out twice. Granted, little man has slept a lot!

We went to the children's centre first thing this morning only to find it was closed because of half term. So we ended up at the shops. P had loads of fun on all the rides. I didn't put any money in but she didn't seem to mind at all!

This afternoon we took a walk back to the park we stumbled across last week. P had a good play and was so worn out she even went in the pushchair on the way home.

I'm loving that the nights are starting to pull out now. Feel like we can do so much more in a day rather than shutting up the house by 3:30. Afternoons at the park may become a regular activity again.

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