Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

When Birnham Comes To Dunsinane

Well - not quite.
It is a few miles up the road from Birnham and the trees were stationary - it was the camera that was moving (vertically during a 1/8th second exposure).

I was having a look about for possible sunrise shots (for tomorrow) with a semi professional and a novice and she (the novice was asking how people get the streaked trees and bluebells effect so popular in spring.
Of course the first and most obvious answer in this digital age (and the one she was looking for) was the 'motion blur' filter in Photoshop.
What she got was how to do it 'in camera' like this (from me I may add - it flummoxed the semi-pro at first) ........... make sure you have a slow shutter speed and simply tilt the camera upwards during the exposure.

After leaving the youth hostel in PitlochryPitlochry we went up to the Queens View a the head of Loch Tummel as our first choice.
At the edge of the car park there was a carved statue of a Mother and child which I felt needed some modeling light rather than the totally flat lighting from the cloud cover ......... so I used a flashgun propped on the hedge next to it to give the desired effect.

I used the flash again to shoot the wonderful Lichen growing on the trees. It shows how clean the air is.

We then drove all the way out to Rannoch Station in the middle of nowhere in the pouring rain to find the tearoom (which is reputed to be super) was shut since it was 'out of season' despite there being a couple of women working in the place.

When we were driving back round the south of Loch Tummel the rain stopped for a few minutes so we jumped out for some snaps.
The loch was like a mirror and I thought chucking a rock or two in would give a bit of Foreground interest.

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