Towards Rossbrin

Just touching base very briefly - just cheekily catching up with emails at a friend's kitchen table!! It has been mad over here- last wednesday's storm was seriously scary and so many trees have been decimated. We've lost four big ones, including one which has taken down our power cable. We still have no electricity or water and are relying on the kindness of friends who have been brilliant. This was the view this morning overlooking Roaringwater Bay - friends had kindly invited us for supper and a bath and we stayed the night. A bit of a wake up call how much we rely on electricty and can we stand another night of candlelit scrabble huddled around our woodburner! Yes we can! A beautiful spring day today after more gales last night so maybe the nice ESB men will make it down to us! Catch up soon. Hope you're all good.

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