No. 1

I headed off early on the first of two crutches aided walks around the block.

I stopped for some crutch adjustments and noticed the leaves at the bottom of no.1's fence gate. It's not autumn yet, just dry. Soon enough autumn will be here but not today.

I tested out my foot with a bit of upright time without crutches in my back courtyard. I trimmed and tidied the raised Roma Garden. I sensed Mum's pleasure when she first saw this garden I've been developing. I'm sure I'll feel that many more times.

Today seemed to be a day to walk around inside at home without crutches. Sometimes there seems no rhyme or reason why my foot is painful to walk on and then it's good. But it's all progress and I'm looking forward to starting physio later this week.

Later on the fisher/hunter visited with goose breasts. I'm going to have fun working out how to cook them, maybe I'll try smoking them.

I demonstrated my fly casting and with a few corrections he was well impressed ;-)

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