It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Just chillin

I enjoy busy days but this one was totally packed full of fun and adventure as Rosemary was here! I half planned to do the Marple Parkrun but that would mean an early start, which neither of us could face. Saturday is typically Glossop day, with trips to the deli and fruit & veg shops now being tradition. As Parkrun was missed, we decided to run, a trip of just over 5km.

I've not totally recovered from a few weeks of hard racing and training so even 'easy' pace felt harder than it should. Rosemary wanted to show me a few exciting trails on a hill above Padfield and I agreed as she likes doing that sort of thing. Unfortunately, the trails were quadmireous, the wind whipped up and the rain descended in bucketloads. I sort of managed to remain positive but it was a struggle! My legs were dead and in no mood for physical challenges like this.

We did our shopping, headed home and as we alighted the train we were accosted by a drunk man. He told us he was a biker and it cycling was much better than running. I intimated that I disliked cycling and knew nothing about it...... Ha ha. I was enjoying this gentle leg pulling.

Fortunately, we lost the drunk and then settled for a a tasty 'artisan' lunch with lovely bread, cheese and a shared cookie sandwich. Almost immediately we had to jump on the train to Manchester to meet a friend. This didn't happen because of a mobile phone mishap on their part but R n I still went to NTP for our respective libations. Rosemary is drinking a fine white hairy monkey tea in this photo and I had a pour over coffee.

Rosemary's trips to Manchester are rarely complete without a trip to the Cotswold Outdoors discount shop so we headed there next. My rucksack straps are wearing out and it won't stay in place properly when running. I managed to get a real bargain one to replace it. Then we went to a Eighth Day for a few food essentials and back to the Cornerhouse for dinner! A further train journey to Stockport followed where The Banff Film Festival was on.

We watched a number of short films which added up to almost 3 hours. They had a few seating issues for the 1000 people audience which delayed proceedings longer than was desirable but the films more than made up for it! I particularly liked the film about two Norwegian surfers who lived on a beach through the winter. I could actually see myself doing this, albeit swimming rather than surfing in the cold sea.

We got on the last train and it was gone midnight by the time we got to bed. I was mentally and physically gone by this stage but had an early start and long bike ride to look forward to (which ended up being 123km long....including too many hard hills).

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