Change days!

Having spent the last few weeks educating minors re the history of the Highland Drovers where I was emphasising the hard life the drovers had. That they wore a long thick plaid round them, how they were often barefoot, how poor they were! Well today I was at the Highland Cattle Society annual show in Oban. Gone were the long hairy plaids to be replaced by very expensive tweeds. Gone were the rough types of shoes to be replaced by Hunter TARTAN wellingtons, or these big £200 boots. No longer do we see Highland tammies, Oh no, we have fancy floppy hats, deerstalkers or racoon skins!
Not a word in Gaelic did I hear, what I heard instead was toffs with affected Etonian or Shires accents! the only Scottish ones were the stockmen! Half of them were retired military types but they were all fiercely competitive!
Was there anything genuine to be seen or heard?? Well yes...the Highland coos themselves though God knows they have changed too but thats another story!

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