This is not a circular

This is not a circular. No it most certainly isn't. It's a Christmas present. And it means that I will not have to endure this scenario this year. Phew, phew phew.

I know that we've all said it. But wasn't Joe winning the BAFTA just WONDERFUL? It was just so exciting. Goodness knows how they must have felt. I feel I can go back to uploading blips at a normal time now. Was worried that the BAFTA judges would be perusing our blips and chance upon mine , think WTF and score us off their list.

There are new babies plopping out all over the shop. I seem to be surrounded by more new babies than you can shake a stick at . I had a go, again, at trying to blip one tonight. was just rubbish. they move about and end up just being a blur...

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