Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18

Arm Wrestling

I went with Rafi, Nina and Jodie to Meadowhall today. Rafi has been wanting a better phone for some time, today was the day! His old phone worked, but it was quite small and we have only fairly recently discovered that his vision has been quite badly affected. He can see close up if things are quite big, but he really struggles with distance vision. Since coming home today I have received several texts from him (and so has the rest of the family) telling me how much he loves me! It's great to see his name pop up on my phone (there have been times when I never thought that would happen again).
With Jodie's help Nina also managed to find a prom dress today. She looked beautiful in it, I'm so pleased she's found one so early, hopefully there'll be no last minute panic (unless she changes her mind)
My blip shows Rafi and Jodie having an 'after dinner' arm wrestle (he managed to beat me and Jodie, but he didn't manage to conquer Nina!)
Here's the last time he featured arm wrestling on blip!

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