
By NickyH


Sunday, no work and sunshine = time for a nice big walk.

We set off from home and headed for Holcombe Hill. It was very muddy in parts, freezing cold at the top, and H was dragging his feet at times, but it was totally worth it. The views are amazing. I really do love where we live - it's all on our doorstep. We're very lucky.

We stopped at the pub for lunch on the way back (first time we've taken Miss Moo anywhere like that and the little star was good as gold and sat under the table whilst we ate) and then came home for hot chocolate. Well I think we deserved it after a 4 mile walk - it's a long way when you're six!

Pizza, red wine and Captain Phillips on the TV will be the order of play for this evening. And we're all off tomorrow - hallelujah!

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