Morning song of the Greenfinch

Sunday morning, misty, warm (+0c) and cloudy, dark even.
Lonely Creenfinch was singing on the branch of a maple of the front yard.

I quess it is a day to "bulldoze" the home again, to arrange the things to their own/ new places.... You see, we have now been living in our home for three weeks after moving back from the rental home. We moved out, escaped there, in october due of the waterpipe renovation - and now after movin home, we still have a huge disorder as huge amount of storage room was decreased...

So I maybe have to be satisfied to this Greenfinch capture today and leave the Blipland to demolish the disorder of the shire ;)

By the way - in the evening there will be hockey game in the Olympics, FIN-CAN. I bet the winner of the match will be Canada, as there is some injurys in the finnish team. But may the best team win!

Have a nice sunday all!

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