Exploring Coffee#1
Heddiw crwydron ni o gwmpas yr ardal. Aethon ni i ystafell arddangos ceir i geisio car awtomatig. Yna cerddon ni rownd yr Eglwys Newydd i brynu ychydig o bethau. Yn olaf aethon ni i Coffee#1 i gael paned a chacen. Ro'n ni'n edmygu'r lluniau bach ar y waliau. Mae'r siop goffi yn gyfeillgar ac mae'n croesawi pobl o bob oed.
Today we wandered around the area. We went to a car showroom to try an automatic car. Then we walked round Whitchurch to buy a few things. Finally we went to Coffee # 1 to get a coffee and cake. We admired the small pictures on the walls. The coffee shop is friendly and welcomes people of all ages.
Old Photographs: Hot day at Briwnant, A slice of the sky, Poulstone Court Garden, Poulstone Court View, Poulstone Panorama, Whitchurch Sunset, Dee's Nose, Whitchurch Willow, Grandma in her garden, Painting the Loft, Ten to One, On the Corner, Briwnant Herd, Losar, Caravan Hospital, Nor'dzin and Dee, Himalayas, Kathmandu Street Scene, To Nepal via Qatar, Nor'dzin & Dee, Wet Horse, Grooming Dee, Peacock Feather Fan
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