
By Haphazard


No bread? Clear off!

This chap was very busy washing, preening and screaming; made me laugh.

Did a bit more work on the photography project, it's progessing. There's so little useable daylight that I have to seize the moment. Like most point and shoots, the flash on mine is more trouble than it's worth.

As you know, the project is about me recreating the poses and expressions that I see me showing in childhood photos - a then and now comparison. The tutor suggested I wear similar clothing in the 'recreation'. Tried it, felt an uncomfortable twit. Compromised by wearing a contemporary equivalent. It was all getting too luvvie-like, even for me.

Truth be told, I'd rather blip ducks or mess about in Picasa and write stuff like yesterday. The poppies came out well, even if I say so myself. The original was a shot of a traditional wreath at the local war memorial. In Picasa, I used the spot colour with black and white, increased the contrast, decreased the saturation (roughly), cropped, and that was that.

Good, nearly time to start supper - I'm hungry!

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