Coptic storm

We are due a couple of stormy days according to the Coptic storm calendar, and the temperature has definitely dropped, and the clouds have looked very threatening, but nothing much has actually happened. The Drs went ok today, I was justified in my worries, as Mark's wound is not healing well, but I don't think the Dr could be bothered to actually do anything about it, aside from dab it with iodine. I gave him my best stern look, which he deflected by telling me he could see I had something wrong with my neck and a weakness in my right arm and should get x-rayed. He seems to get much more excited about diagnostics and surgery than he does about after-care. Mark had a physio-therapy session this afternoon and the physio totally agreed with me and told Mark I should put more steri strips on (which the Dr took off earlier and scoffed at). I feel quite annoyed about the whole thing, and now slightly worried about the neck pain that I've lived with for about the last 10 years.

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