Over the storm

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CLIVE!!!! Awww I do love Clive (Bonnie has well & truly gone, sadly), I'm hoping he'll find something else this season, as he's such an immaculate handsome blackbird. He came so close, almost beak to lens, I think he was as happy to see me as I was happy to see him, as the weather has been atrocious & blipping has been a no go area, as it's literally rained & blown a gale for the last 5 days! So I had to get outside today, in the sunshine, the dry & wind free (just about). While I was skulking Louie through the bushes...

Louie in the frame

Clive turned up & stole the limelight!

A very long session at the gym this morning, while feeling rather delicate as had friends to dinner last night & tomorrow seeing other friends for Sunday lunch, so am hoping to get to the gym early tomorrow too! Everything is aching tonight, thighs, arms - I think new muscles are forming, that's why I usually ache after the gym & I haven't ached for so long either, so hooray, another change afoot, & one for the better too & amazingly enough my bad knees are cured, I've had no pain now from them for 2 months! I'm so glad of that, as it was really starting to worry me, but now I'm on the exercise bike fine & strengthening my legs :) xxx

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