n is for . . .

N is for night light. These beeswax candles I use are made locally and the little mouse candlestick is an ebay purchase, he's rather worn and heavy but I really like him as he is my study budy. I am now at the stage with study where I have printed out unimaginable amounts and I have about a third more to read through than I did at the start if the day thanks to a little over zealousness . I have now imposed a printing ban on myself. I am going to spend the rest of the evening reading, note making and I'll throw the occasional squat in for good measure! (See earlier blip) In a change of plan I am going to stay in the house all day tomorrow and try and get as much of this reading done as possible. I'm also going to tidy the study (again!) and if time allows I am going to stick a couple of pairs of shoes on ebay and do some meditation. Declutterisation both physical and mentally is required. I enjoyed a nice, unexpected twist of fate today, I'm starting to think that the older we get the more synchronicity we appreciate :-) wishing you all a lovely weekend!

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