
By gileseth

P3 Football - Part 2

Today, while helping with the P3's football, I got shouted at by one of the parents. He was unhappy that I told his son off more than I told my own son off. His son kicked my son in the face, while he was lying on the floor having been tripped over. My son tripped his son over while they were both going for a 50/50 ball! I wouldn't have minded if he had had a quiet word with me, after the game. But, he screamed at me across the pitch in front of all the boys. As you can probably tell I am extremely pissed off (excuse my French)! If it wasn't for the coaches, who week in, week out give up there time an the other dad's, like me, who help them out when we can, his son wouldn't be able to play football at all! Rant over!

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