My First Blip Anniversary Celebration!

Hello and thanks to you I am here my virtual friends , fans and all blipers! I am very impressive about my blipday yesterday blip ! How many people visited me and give me some many kind comments and hearts My God!! More that ever I saw in my blip year.
Still I am in shock. I was crying but with the emotion! I really appreciate it. I am really happy you like my painting too. I was a little scared to post it but eventually I decided to show you because many people asked me for that. Anyway my family and friends from Spain told me that I improved in the lasst year a lot and they love the painting. By the way some of them asked for one. I think they should wait a litle bit more. I am so busy with blipfoto hehe! Really I started another still life oil painting but bigger. I think it will be finished in one month . I composed it myself and I think it will be nice ..
I konw I should comment less and paint and read more like before I knew about blipfoto. I love that but I think sometimes it is too much. Really it is like a full time job and I spent ages answering all of you so I will see the pictures but not try to comment on all of them because it is impossible. It is like an adition sometimes I want to see more pictures and more and never stoped. Still is better have adition to blip than adtion to Wisky or Whine or something worst..
I am very happy to have many fans. Still I am having more now. I am sure you understand me if I don't comment on your pics every day.
Last night I was commenting and answering your comments until 3'o clock in the morning and still I didn't finish today . I couldn't sleep because the wind was too strong and scary.
Today was windy and raining like a crazy day. It is horrible and we couldn't go anywhere so I posted another picture indoors. I hope you don;t mind!
We continued celebrating my anniversary blipday. (In my dreams) I just put the cake I made yesterday for my husband's Valentine's present with one glass of cider and our picture in the background with fireworks. I have not fotoshop or these programs people use to make montages at the moment but really I don;t care.. I am inventing my own montages my way hehe! Sometimes one of my friends Alex helps me to make Xmas cards framed or something special to send somebody but not often. She is coming next week to visit me so I will post her somtime I hope.
I like how the candle is reflecting on my husband's chest. It is like he is on fire, hehe! I was pouring the cider with one hand pressing the camera in the tripod with another hand. It is a little bit dificult but my husband doesn't like to be involved with these nonsense pictures he said hehe! Really he is a bit tired of my pictures so he was reading the newspapeer and doing some maths work.
We wanted to go out for lunch but it was terrible weather. We decided to maybe go tomorrow for a Sunday roast instead. I hope the weather will be a little bit better to go to the coast around Norwich. We have the tickets to go to the theatre on Monday to watch the Russian ballet. It is my gift for the Valentine's day. I love the theatre and my husband is on the half term holidays so I hope the weather lets me go out to celebrate something.
Hope you all have a nice day and smile again!!

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