Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Feast for the Eyes

Got the ironing everything I wanted done today so, the afternoon was free for a trip down to Global Village!!

There were some pavilions we didn't have time to visit the last time we were there - so very focussed today. Very good too and we supported some of the vendors by buying things, and we ate at a Greek (yes Greek) restaurant and it was possibly the best meal we've ever had at Global Village over all these years!

I love the colour and unusual things you see so my blip is a small selection of them. Large really is best. :)) Hope your weekend is going/has gone well.

PS. During the course of doing the laundry, noticed that one of my special pair of socks had one missing... so did a hunt round only to find the other sock in the hoover bag!!! Argh! Must have another word with the cleaner!

PPS. And here is Gs version of the day!

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