
By Rosemarie55

Inquisitive Pheasant

Set out this morning to take a walk around the Montrose Basin Wildlife Reserve but it was blowing a gale and so I decided to go into the Visitors' Centre. Had a go at taking shots out of the window of some goldfinches feeding on the feeding sling. It was swaying so strongly in the gale it was impossible to get a sharp shot. The pheasant was easier - most of the time he was feeding and had his head buried in the wet grass. At one one point he looked up to me and so I captured him then! Not much fun in all this wind - had a go at capturing a flock of grebes sitting on the water, but they were bobbing about like mad! No luck there, and so the pheasant gets pride of place in today's blip! Gave up then and went home for a hot cup of coffee to take the chill away:-)

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