Medical Marvel

A week ago our house was a tearful place as we waited for the vet to come to see our beautiful Labrador, Charlie.
13 years old, he had been struggling for a few weeks and on the Friday we had called the vet to visit and give his verdict.
Charlie had spent most of the last week lying prostrate in his basket. His legs had given way a couple of times. Most mornings we had to help him to his feet. The prognosis did not look good.
I'm always up first on Saturdays and that morning Charlie welcomed me into the kitchen with his tail wagging as usual. He ate his breakfast with gusto and did his business in the garden with no problems.
So, I left for my Saturday morning sports show at the BBC with some nagging doubts. Was it too early?
It was heartbreaking to see Charlie welcome the vet and nurse that afternoon with his tail wagging and what looked like his customary smile on his face.
Leslie, who has cared for him since he was a pup, watched as Charlie walked outside, did his business again, had a few slurps from a puddle on the lawn and walked back into the house. Ok, it was slow but he did it.
Yes, he could see Charlie's condition had deteriorated in recent weeks. But he was not in any pain and he could see that the will was still there to get himself out and about.
You could touch the sense of relief in the kitchen when he said: "I don't think it's the time yet."
He joked that whatever my daughter had whispered in Charlie's ear had done the trick. The old boy had put on a great show.
For the last week Charlie has been much better. He has started padding around the house again. He might be a lot slower but he is still enjoying his walks into the garden. The will to live is definitely there.
The verdict - trust the experts.

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