How many times has Valentines Day coincided with a full moon? I haven't gone into the stats but, I imagine it's about as rare as rocking horse shit an occasion could be.

The rain today has been as heavy as it can fall. It cleared leaving the highest winds I've seen in this area since the bad weather began. I came home, on a road littered with fallen branches and other debris, to find the fence that was fixed yesterday in tatters, table and chairs gone, plants in shreds, yet, the full moon shone bright to illuminate the scene. It's far from cold and in the spectacular light I can't help but forgive the wind.

The true battering by the gusts of wind isn't apparent as I had to go into the court yard behind the house to take this shot. I'd have had to cement the camera to the ground in the front garden. Not my best blip, actually one of my worst, but it will serve for the memory cells.

The storm still rages outside and there's no sign of it weakening. I'll go and inspect the full damage in the morning. It will still be little compared to what others have endured... incredibly, we still have electricity!

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