Skip's Blips

By Skip


It's Friday again (already) and followers of my journal know that means it's time for a "Friday Face." Today the weather was a little warmer than recent days, so I was pretty sure there would be people in the park for photo ops. Fran, being tugged down the trail by her little dog Tonto, was the first person I saw. Tonto is one of those cute little dogs who thinks he's a great dane, and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets his "can do attitude" from Fran. They make a great pair.

Barb was my second Friday Face for this week. She was walking with Fran, so I captured two "faces" almost at the same time. You can see Barb here in my Friday Faces gallery. I also captured a few good bird and deer photos. If you are interested, they start here.

I backblipped for yesterday. Take a look if you have time, but I have to admit, yesterday wasn't a good day for photography.

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