Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

Unexpected Visitors

Thank you to all who have commented on the Coniston picture - I was delighted to have it selected as a Staff Pick! So chuffed! How exciting! Your comments are very much appreciated - thank you thank you thank you all!

And so to today...

Ah, good morning to you, sheep! Welcome, great Blackies, you tough wee beasties!

This was the scene this morning when I went out - the sheep had decided that the grass actually WAS greener on the other side of the fence, and so they just pushed the fence to one side and moved in.

Undaunted, I got my old shepherd's crook out of storage, and used all my old dormant shepherding skills learned on the hills near Duns and also near good old Wooler in Northumberland (ah, happy happy memories) to herd them all back into the field!

What fun!On reflection, I should have let them stay and chew the grass down a bit before kicking them orf moi land. :-)

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