You are .....

..... beauty.

I've had a fun day in Leeds with SnapshotSam looking at locations to take photos for a project Sam is working on. We visited the new Tetley gallery, had a very nice cream tea and also had a brief wander around Leeds.

Drew who I've blipped works in a beauty salon in one of the posh arcades in Leeds and as well as being a make up artist is also a wrestler. Sam was photographing the windows of the salon when Drew waved hello so we went in and after taking a few photos in the salon persuaded Drew to pose for a few photos.

This evening I've been out to an event at the Ilkley Film Festival with my neighbour Mr M. Paul Merton was presenting an evening of silent films with live piano accompaniment by Neil Brand. It was a great evening, it's amazing just how thrilling those early films can be.

I've added a few more photos from the day here, but Drew's portrait stood out from the set, so today's blip is .....

..... You are beauty.

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