
By BethAndCo

I don't want to go to bed, Mommy. I'm too excited

Eva has been going to bed at night good as good and sleeping through for a while now, but last night, after her party, she just really struggled to settle. I think it was all the excitement of the day and the mountains of sugar in her birthday cake probably didn't help matters as she's not used to so much sugar. It was nearly 11.30pm when she finally went to sleep, after me spending half the evening up and down the stairs, but then she did sleep through the night til morning.

Today's nursery daily diary entry...

Date: 10/2/14
Key worker: (Buddy) Helen
Parents comments: sign for nappy cream
Breakfast: weetabix
Snack: melon and raisins
Lunch: veg stir fry and a yoghurt
Tea: pitta bread, dip and cucumber
Bottles: am drank 3oz, pm drank full bottle
Sleep: 12.20-12.55
Nappies: 10s, 12d, 1.10s, 3s, 4.10s
Activities: Eva painted a heart this morning. She dabbed the paintbrush on paper.
Key worker comment: all soils were very small.

I collected Eva at around 5.30pm and she happily sat in her highchair when we got in and watched me finish dinner. When Mike got home from work, we all ate together. We sit Eva's highchair in between Mike and I and Jake sits at the head of the table next to his Dad. We had veg gravy dinner tonight. Mike and I had ours with belly draft and Eva and Jake had sausage. Yum yum.

I didn't take a photo today, so have used one from yesterday, of when Mike was tying the weights onto each balloon just before her party started. She loved it :-)

Again, Eva was very unsettled all evening. She needed lots of extra cuddles from her Mommy. She unusually woke aswell just as I was going to bed, so I brought her into our bed briefly for milk and cuddles, then carried her back to her cot. Xxx

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