Wistful moments

By KathM

Happy Valentine's Day

Yay, against the odds i got a card today. It was actually from a friend i haven't seen in ages and ages but we've always loosely kept in touch. Nothing romantic but i know if i was feeling fed up i could get in touch and talk.
Tonight i'm cooking myself a meal and pouring a glass of wine and generally unwinding after a busy fortnight.
My jury service has officially come to an end now and i have to say i found the whole experience really interesting, although the details of the case i was on for the duration was less than pleasant. The whole deliberation process was mentally draining as the enormity of the decision hit home. I think the 12 of us reached the right decision though and we can sleep easy in our beds.
Off to the theatre tomorrow to see Peter Pan by the RSC. Can't wait. :-)

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