Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

happy valentines day to all blipers

...this "cusion" I got from my hubby this morning - such a sweetie - I always tell hubby not to buy me something for Valentine's day as the prices for almost everything is double the price it is normal - so a bouquet of flowers for 20 euros is at least 35 euros on Valentine's day.... but am sure he won't come home with a few flowers :)))

Update on Max: He is doing sooo well and honestly I wish he would act like a few days ago - sleeping the whole day and being quiet - now he is almost the old Max again - jumping around, playing with everything, following me every single step - looking at me with this: "Oh I think you've forgotten to feed me today" look.... and at least not accepting that he isn't allowed to walk for more than 10 minutes per walk...

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