Back at the vets

This is a Blip of my ear. It’s a blip of my ear because the rain has been torrential all morning and it’s too wet to get the camera out for an outdoor blip it has swollen up and is full of blood/fluid/some other nasty substance??

This is what happened.......................................

Last night when Ann was grooming me she noticed that my ear had swollen up and it felt like there was lots of liquid inside it. It wasn’t bothering me but Ann went into panic mode. She said, ‘Molly we’re going to have to go to the vet first thing in the morning.’

Well, she went onto the vets’ website to see what time they opened in the morning and found one of those interactive diagnostic test thingys. After keying in all my symptoms the results popped up that I should go to the vets within 12 hours. That only made Ann panic more because by this time it was 11pm.

So Ann spent most of the night googling ‘ear problems in dogs’. I was fast asleep in my bed but she kept waking me up to prod my ear! Honestly humans are sooooo annoying sometimes. I bet she wouldn’t like it if I started prodding her ear when she was asleep??

Anyway off we went to the vets at 8am. That was a bit scary too, because there was so much rain falling out of the sky that some of the roads were almost like rivers.
We didn’t have an appointment but ‘very lovely vet’ saw us at 8.30am. She thinks I’ve got an infection in my ear connected to my bite injury from last week so I’ve got to take more antibiotics for 7 days and I’ve also got to take steroids to see if the swelling will go down.

If this doesn’t work I might have to be sedated and have the nasty stuff drained from my ear.

.............................That doesn’t sound very nice!!!!

..........................And Ann says, at times like this, it’s very stressful owning a gorgeous little collie like me!!!

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