Busy day. It started early. At 1am... The wind a few nights ago blew my bedroom shutters open and, somehow, I haven't got around to shutting them. So when I heard CarbBoy outside my door, and it was a bit light, I presumed it was morning. Wrong. Another episode of cramp/growing pains and a boy in agony needing Calpol and cuddles. His knee this time, for the record.
A sleepy SooB therefore delivered the kids to school and the new car to the garage, for its 45 minute once over. 2 hours later we finally had the verdict (some broken stuff, but not much).
With most of the big class off today as their teacher is sick, my lunchtime session was with kids possibly too young to understand ZZ Top... But we did some vocabulary and I answered a million questions on all things British and there was even time for a few rounds of hangman.
The little kids' lesson was direction words (up down left right) with balloons, which went down extremely well.
Then the rest of the afternoon in the office with the secretary of our committee (who runs her own business) helping me with French accounting words.
Later a happy moment when, after a long search, I finally found TallGirl's lost science book at the bottom of her wardrobe under her washing basket... It has been lost for long enough that she was given a de-merit at school and was very glum. So I was unanimously voted best person ever in the history of the whole universe by the kids for finding it. Which was a good feeling.
And Mr B says he's coming home early tomorrow. Obviously a romantic gesture for Valentines Day... Hahahaha. I put the chances of him knowing what day it is at approximately zero. (But I might chill some fizz just in case... And no, he doesn't read this. As he says: "I live it, I don't want to read about it too.") Fair enough.
This is my current bedside stack of books, mostly read. Time to restock... I'm sure you can spot the ones kindly loaned by TallGirl during my last 'nothing to read' crisis!
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