Isn't it dinner-time yet?

The hens line up in an orderly queue on the steps when they think it's time to be fed. Like a lot of animals they must have in-built clocks, because they're perfectly happy scratching away in the garden most of the day.

They follow me into their enclosure, where I put down the bowl of food and shut them up for the night. On my second day here I didn't realise that one of the hens must have been dilly-dallying and missed the bedtime lock-in. It was only when I went to let them out the next morning I heard a clucking coming from behind me. That'll larn me her! Lucky the mink or fox didn't have her for dinner!

Atrocious freezing heavy rain on the dog-walk this morning! Fortunately this house is lovely and cosy, so I soon warmed up and dried off after a complete change of clothing. They have something called 'ground source' heating, which I'd never heard of, but it seems very efficient, even in the depths of winter.

Hope you're all keeping warm and dry.

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