Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

You May Kiss the Bride

I could hardly believe that my cheapie camera cooperated to capture the moment when their lips met and the deal was sealed! Usually it seems like an eternity between the pressing of the camera's button and the shutter clicking. This afternoon that eternity was just the correct amount of time.

Today was doubly romantic because we attended 2 weddings. If you were unaware that we love weddings, then you'll need to look back at my May 27, 28, 29, and 30 pages to realize just how enthralled we are with weddings--okay I am, and Mr. Fun just goes along for the thrill.

So getting to be at 2 wedding celebrations today was amazing. I've tried to post a collage of the two, but I can't seem to get them to upload this evening. I will try again later.

Kristin & Brandon's wedding was at noon in the gazebo over the water at the Woodbridge Lake in the City of Irvine. It was nothing short of beautiful.

Then Andrea & Blake were married in a 4:30 ceremony in the lovely front yard of Andrea's parents' home. The autumn leaves on the liquid amber tree that they stood beneath just added to the wonder and majesty of it all.

Both weddings were followed by lovely meals. So even though our lips never tasted any wedding cake today, we have blown our diets. But don't think we are worried--no way, we were having too much fun.

We're exhausted! As I type I can hear Mr. Sandman arriving out front. So sleep is any moment going to cross the threshold of this home. If I had a wedding dress on, I'd make Mr. Fun carry me up the stairs. Lucky for him, I don't.

Thanks for reading this far. Thanks too for all the lovely comments on yesterday's cement.

Good night from the land of "Here Comes the Bride"!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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